Shire Fest Costume Contest Rules!
- Doors open at 11am and you are welcome to join for the rest of the Shire Fest Event taking place Saturday 11/4/23.
- You MUST sign up and sign the waiver/release form at the registration table before 1pm. Minors under 18 years of age must be signed by the minor’s legal guardian.
- Judging for the costume contest will begin at 2PM and will take place near the main stage.
- Contest Categories:
- Child: 0-11. Parents are required to accompany children age 8 or younger
- Youth: 12-17
- Adult: 18+
- Professional. (Well practiced competitors, costumes that have won multiple major awards, advanced schooling or professional work training etc. can be of any age)
Awards: Submissions will be judged on creativity, resourcefulness, craftsmanship, effort, and theme.
- 1st, 2nd, and 3rd per category
- People’s Choice
- Best in Show
- Best Craftsmanship
- Store bought costumes will be allowed, but more detailed manipulation of materials or homemade elements will be factored in the judging.
- Costumes of all genres of fandom, original designs, and handmade/self-constructed costumes are encouraged!
- This is a family friendly event. Shire Post Mint reserves the right to refuse a costume entry that the SPM staff deems inappropriate for an audience of all ages. Nudity is prohibited. All costumes must have sufficient coverage to prevent indecent exposure. For safety reasons, please wear footwear at all times, even if the costume does not require it. No running, jumping, or acrobatics please.
- **Live weapons are not allowed. Swords, knives, or anything with a sharp edge must be peace bonded at the registration table. No open carry firearms allowed. Anything that shoots projectiles is not allowed. Soft foam props are allowed but they are NOT to be used for hitting people or things. No live animals please. Sexual humor, flashing, extreme political, religious, or offensive statements, or other inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated. Contestants who do so will be disqualified and removed from the event.
- Each contestant will have up to 45 seconds on the runway, strike poses, then walk out. No skits please. Please plan your costume accordingly for mobility. If you require special accommodations please let event staff know as soon as possible. You may have one handler join you to assist. We will do our best to help, however if any damage is done to the costume, staff and SPM are not liable for reimbursing.
- All decisions by the judges will be final. Contestants must be present for prizes.
Shire Post Mint reserves the right to remove any attendees who do not follow the above rules or are creating a hazard for other attendees. Please be respectful to others attending the costume contest and the rest of the event.